Yogyata samaj Kalyan Sewa Samiti The major purpose is to plant a million native and endemic trees across India. Every year, saplings of carefully selected tree and plant species are cultivated in these nurseries during the non-plantation season.
Every year, between June and September (monsoon) and January and February (winter), these seedlings are mass-planted (late winter). This will be carried out by Yogyata samaj Kalyan Sewa volunteers, farmers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), schoolchildren, and members of the general public. Planted saplings will be efficiently monitored and nourished, with optimal growing circumstances provided to ensure a high survival rate.
Yogyata samaj devised and promoted the strategy to fulfill the national goal of green cover. To reach this aim, he projected that about a million trees would need to be planted across the state. People were taken aback: this seemed like an impossible feat at the time.
Yogyata samaj Kalyan Sewa Samiti began by "growing trees in people's brains" — the hardest terrain of all. Yogyata samaj Kalyan Sewa Samiti awakened people's hearts to the critical need for repair by leading them through experiential processes in which they were able to see how closely our lives and life-breath are tied to trees.

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