Gaushala (Cowshed) in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Home Gaushala (Cowshed) in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Yogyata samaj Kalyan Sewa Samiti currently has cows, and a few more will be added shortly. Yogyata Samaj make Gaushala for cows . which is a place where cows are maintained and cared for methodically. Visitors can also donate a cow to help with the development of the gaushala. Yogyata samaj Kalyan Sewa Samiti provides the service of feeding . They have been inspected and treated regularly by veterinary professionals. In Hinduism, the cow is regarded as a sacred and holy animal. At certain times, we worship cows, which we refer to as Gomata. We procure cows from many states in India and other countries to make Gaushala.


Yogyata samaj Kalayan Sewa Samiti are a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that focuses on social welfare. We are actively interested in the prevention of cruelty to animals, whether caused by man or nature, in the field of environmental conservation and preservation. Many notable and well-known social workers and philanthropists are involved in this sacred endeavor of conserving and caring for these vulnerable creatures.

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