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Yogyata Samaj Kalyan Sewa Samiti NGO in Kanpur, UP

The yogyata samaj Kalyan Sewa Samiti intends to provide a consistent framework for Indian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and interested individuals. It will allow participants to share their experiences, ease the replication of effective tactics, and reduce the repetition of wasted efforts. This website contains almost everything relevant to NGOs, including an NGO database, funding sources, regulations governing NGOs, publications, events, and job opportunities. We encourage anybody interested to add to or change the information on this page. It, like Wikipedia, is a free, non-profit effort that welcomes user contributions.

The Organization’s major goal is to serve the masses through socioeconomic programs in semi-urban and rural regions. The organization’s philosophy is to carry out its aim and objectives for which the NGO was formed to carry out the above projects with full vigor and sincerity while maintaining complete liaison with Administration province & Centre department & other Charitable Organizations & foundation in India & other countries of the world.

Yogyata Samaj Kanyan Sewa Samiti

Our Mission

The objective of the yogyata samaj Kalyan Sewa Samiti is to build a society in which all people, regardless of caste, creed, or religion, can live with dignity and wealth. We strive to convince young people that staying in the villages and using their time, energy, and expertise for the benefit of their lives and the area is a better option than leaving and following a pipe dream.

Our Vision

Yogyata Samaj Kalyan Sewa Samiti envisions long-term development for the disadvantaged based on the protection, conservation, and development of natural resources.
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